Journalist Exposes What’s Really Inside Your
Weight Loss Supplement –


Plus – How To Lose 15 Pounds Of Fat In 4 Weeks
(And Keep It Off!)

*WARNING: Don’t Even THINK About Trying The Keto
Diet Until You’ve Viewed The Following

What you’re about to see is a TRUE story…

An investigation into the weight loss industry…

Revealing the REAL WAY celebrities manage to drop 15, 20, or even 30 pounds almost instantly…

And the rumors surrounding this “unique” fat loss method.


Are The Rich And Famous Harvesting Human Organs And Using Them To Create Weight Loss Supplements…

Popular weight loss supplements that you’ve heard of before…

And have maybe even tried?

How could this be possible, what is the science behind it, and is there any REAL evidence to prove that there’s a sinister side to the weight loss industry that we don’t know about?

I’ll answer all of those questions right inside this controversial presentation…

Hi, My Name Is Christopher Hunt…

I’m a journalist and a damned good one too…

And what I’m going to show you today will completely shock you…

And maybe even mortify you…

It’ll make you think twice about trusting just any weight loss supplement or diet fad that pops up on your computer screen.

In Fact, It’s Something Most People Would Never Agree
To Doing IF They Knew They Were Doing It…

And unfortunately, so many folks may unknowingly be participating in a worldwide blood ring that’s killing millions of innocent people every year.

It’s all centered around today’s most popular diet fad in America: the Keto Diet…

And the truth about it all will shock you.

Today, I’m sharing with you the story of late reporter Dale Rivers, whom I knew for a very brief time before he disappeared…

And was presumed dead.

But while I did know him, Dale exposed to me a wild theory on the weight loss industry that at first, I thought was too crazy to be true…

But as I started putting the pieces together…

I realized there was some real reason for concern…

And after Dale went missing right as he made a huge breakthrough in his story…

I knew for certain that there had to be something dark going on.

If you want to lose weight and are excited by the promising fat loss of the keto diet…

Then I highly suggest you pay attention to this short, yet shocking presentation.

I’m Going To Reveal To You Why The Keto Diet Is
Guaranteed To Fail In The Next 6 Months…

Why it doesn’t work any better than any other diet it has been compared to…

And why journalist Dale Rivers and his peers were convinced that the keto diet is part of one of the most diabolical experiments known to mankind…

Something that affects you directly if you’re struggling with obesity or unwanted weight gain, and the many health complications that arise from it.

This Presentation Isn’t Something You’ll See Every Day…

This is highly sensitive, groundbreaking content that will change how you view the weight loss industry completely…

And it’ll show you who you can trust to help you shed pounds healthily, naturally, even up to 15 pounds in the first month…

All without the fear of poisoning or falling into one of Big Pharma’s traps.

This Story I’m Sharing Is The Most Dangerous Thing
I’ve Ever Done As A Reporter…

Everyone from Big Pharma to Diet Industry Execs absolutely hates me and wants to do everything to get this off the web…

But I had to do it to save my sister’s life, who was dying because of her obesity, and had tried multiple diets and failed…

And was at her wits end looking for a way to defeat her weight gain.

I also wanted to help protect millions of Americans like you who struggle with their weight and want to know the truth about getting healthy fast.

Let Me Tell You About The Day
When My Life Hit Rock Bottom…

It all started when my baby sister, Caroline, had a stroke.

Two weeks before her 52nd birthday, my sister was clinging to her life in a hospital room…

Unable to speak, and paralyzed on the right side of her body.

Caroline battled weight issues her entire life…

And despite all her dieting, exercising, and “following doctor’s orders…”

Caroline never could keep the weight off…

And the day she had her stroke, her poor health finally caught up with her.

I Thought I Was Going To Lose
My Baby Sister To Obesity…

And I was anxious to try to save her life…

But Caroline was such a mess…

Every day I went to visit her, the doctors told me the same thing…

They didn’t know if she’d ever recover from her stroke…

And they didn’t know if she’d ever be “herself again.”

That wasn’t the news my brother-in-law or their four kids wanted to hear…

And it broke my heart to watch my nieces and nephews struggle without their mom at home with them.

She Was A Little Less South Beach
And A Lot More “Mama Bear”…

And as any healthy mother should, Caroline gained a hefty amount of weight during her pregnancy…

Close to thirty seven pounds…

And soon after Sylvie was born, then came Jakey, Will, and their youngest, Ally…

And before she knew it, my sis Caroline was a wife and mama of four…

But was also back to being 60 pounds overweight.

Caroline found herself at a strange crossroads…

Because while she was so happy to be a mom…

She Was Not Happy With Her Body…

And she felt the same way many mothers do:

She felt like she gave up her body and youth for her children.

Your hips widen, your breasts droop, and the fat clings around your stomach, butt and arms…

Making you look and feel so unattractive and unhealthy.

Plus, juggling a family of four all night and day is a full time job…

And finding healthy meals to eat and time to exercise is not easy, heck, it’s damned near impossible.

Even when Caroline tried to stick to her old diet and exercise plan that helped her lose weight in her 20s…

Things just weren’t as simple this time around.

Caroline Needed A Miracle To Get This Weight Off,
Or Else It Was Likely She Would Die…

The doctor told me straight up that next time, she wouldn’t be so lucky…

And that we needed to get serious about her weight loss if we wanted her to survive.

One of the things that the doctor recommended was a low carb diet…

Saying that it would help her lose some weight, which was the biggest priority in Caroline getting healthy again.

When I asked the doctor about a specific diet, he told me to look into keto…

Which kind of surprised me, because I had always written off the keto diet as just another fad diet.

When you pay attention to the diet trends…

You’d see that the keto diet is really no different than the Paleo or Atkins Diets…

Starve yourself of one thing, eat a bunch of another…

See dramatic weight loss results.

That’s the gist of every “diet craze…”

But in my experience, when you see weight loss like that, it’s usually all water weight…

Which means it’ll help you look less bloated for a few weeks or so, but in time that weight will all come back on.

Plus, Keto and diets like that seemed quite extreme to me, given the drastic change you have to make to your diet…

Anything that is a complete 180 of your normal routine, whether a diet, exercise plan, or way of life…

Is really, really hard to stick to…

And I feel the weight loss industry preys upon the weak and sick, giving them false hope that they can truly transform their lives with their latest diet fad.

We already know that the data shows that 90% of diets fail…

And for folks going “keto”…

The average person quits within 6 months…

While celebrities with the best access to medicine and doctors seem to easily stick to the diet.

But Caroline’s doctor insisted that we give keto a try– it could be the trick to getting her weight down…

And he said that he’d had seen a lot of success with it.

This Was For Sure An All-Time Low For Me…

But little did I know that the job at the tabloids would lead me down a winding path of secrets…

That would, in the most surprising way, help me discover the breakthrough that would end up saving my sister Caroline’s life.

So, like I said, working at the tabloids was very demoralizing…

The tabloids are basically the McDonald’s of journalism…no good for you, but hard to resist.

And our magazine ran some pretty outlandish stories…

Things like “Putin is Really an Alien…”

And “I Married The Loch Ness Monster…”

Stories that were so wild and crazy, it was hard not to read them.

Everyone working at the magazine was an odd ball to say the least…

But there was a particular journalist who was way deeper into “conspiracy theories” than any of us…

Whatever Dale Was Working On,
He Took His Research Very Seriously…

And didn’t seem too keen on using a computer to store all of his data.

“I’m old school- they can’t find you if you fly under the radar,” he said to me. Dale was one paranoid man…

Then he started asking about how long my sister had been sick, and what she was doing about her weight…

I told him that her doctor was suggesting a low carb diet like keto, which was why I was so interested in these books…

Dale got quiet for a second, shooting paranoid looks back and forth as he contemplated how he was going to share his research with me.

Then he let it all out…

Now, At This Point I Told Dale –

Kidnappings, organ harvesting, and mad scientists funded by celebrity billionaires?

This was in fact the wildest story I had ever heard…

And I flat out told Dale he was full of it.

But Dale told me that’s where I was wrong…

He said I didn’t “see” the connection…

And so he began sketching out the most bizarre map I’ve ever seen…

He said that Russian Scientists were paying the Mexican cartel to kidnap humans off the streets…

And traffic them to a top secret lab in Moscow…

Where despicable, horrible things happened to them…

There, Evil Scientists Performed Experiments
On Living Humans…

Some of these people barely old enough to go to college….

Dale said he had “insider’s evidence” to prove that scientists were ripping out these people’s lower intestines to harvest their gut bacteria…

And then taking this human bacteria and fermenting it in petri dishes for months…

Until the bacteria was ready to be crystalized with sodium, magnesium and potassium, and turned into hard salts…

How Bizarre Was That Tale?

Now I had to give it to Dale, he really knew how to tell a story…

At this point I still couldn’t bring myself to believe a word of what he was saying…

And as I got up to leave, Dale said one final thing to me: “If you love your sister, you’ll heed my warning. Do your homework on these “keto supplements.” You won’t be sorry.”

Feeling a little unnerved, I thanked Dale for his time, and left his office, thinking to myself, ‘that’s the last time I go snooping around’…

Well, the next day came and I had to admit, as strange at it was…

Dale’s story was still heavy on my mind…

And I wanted to talk to him about it more…

But when I got to his office, Dale was nowhere to be found.

In fact, his entire office had been emptied out…

All his stacks of paperwork and studies had been packed up and removed…

Not even a staple was left behind.

I went to my boss and asked what happened to

To which he hesitated to answer, finally muffling out something like…

“He left the magazine to uh…seek new

Well, I Decided To Start Looking Into The BHB Keto
Thing Myself, Quietly Though…

Because now it seemed that there could be some danger in investigating this story…

But even still, some part of me thought that maybe by going down this rabbit hole of conspiracy theories…

I’d find something that could actually help Caroline get better.

But the first thing I needed to find out was if anything that Dale said true…

These Stories Made Me Think Twice About Dale’s
“Gut Scavenger’s Theory”…

If the rich and famous were openly doing things like “blood facials”…

Maybe they would stop at nothing to have better health, even if it meant taking the lives of someone else.

Now, whoever Dale was working with to get the inside scoop on his “Gut Scavenger” investigation…

Was a tight lipped person, because I couldn’t find a single shred of evidence online that could connect all the dots like Dale had.

So I decided to pivot to something I could probably figure out – what heck was in these BHB salts and how were they made…

And how did they work in the Keto diet?

Okay, So Remember When I Said That The Keto Diet Is
Just Like Any Other Diet Out There…

Starve yourself of one thing, overload on another?

Well, in the keto diet, you’re starving yourself of carbs and overloading on healthy fats…

The diet is based off the theory that if you can switch your body’s main fuel source from carbs to fat…

Then it can start burning fat as fuel, and essentially help melt pounds of stored fat off your body.

This is exactly what happens when your body goes into ketosis…

Which is how the keto diet gets its name.

Scientifically, ketosis is actually your body’s default preservation mode when it’s starved of carbs or lacking proper nutrition…

Our bodies are designed to burn away at stored fat when we go hours or days without eating so we can survive.

But Here’s The Real Reason Why So Many People
Are Crazy For Going Keto:

It’s supposed to help you burn tons of stored fat off your body, FAST.

The research proves that folks on the keto diet experience rapid weight loss…

And the success stories show the dramatic difference “going keto” can make in your physical health…

When you’re going keto, you can average between losing 1 – 3 pounds each week…

And if you add exercise to that program…

You can lose 4lbs or more each week.

This is why keto is so popular…it gets you noticeable weight loss results fast…

And can help you fight off obesity related diseases like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Turns Out BHB Is Actually Made From
Fermented Bacteria…

But whether the bacteria was human or not…

Well that remains to be seen.

Everything that I found suggested bacteria is usually either animal based or plant based…

But never human based…

Though I also wouldn’t expect any reputable scientific journal to ACTUALLY admit that they used human samples to create BHB supplements.

While I couldn’t find any evidence that humans were being killed to make BHB supplements…

There was an EXTREMELY high chance that the bacteria being used to create these BHB supplements was unsafe.

According to my research…

This Means With BHB Salts, You See Faster Weight Loss
Than Dieting On Keto Alone…

And there’s even more research to back this up…

Scientists also discovered in a recent study by the Journal of Metabolic Medicine…

That athletes using BHB supplementation before workouts experienced an increase in fat loss by 23%vi

Which is really great news!

The More I Researched, The More Promising BHB Looked
As A Credible Weight Loss Aid…

So long as the ingredients were correct and the source trustworthy…

And I thought perhaps I could find a BHB supplement that worked for Caroline…

Who was suffering pretty badly from her weight issues.

Her obesity landed her in the hospital with a stroke…

Maybe these BHB salts were the solution to all her problems?

At this point I was willing to try out one of these ketone BHB salt formulas…

But it all came down to finding a company I could trust…

Because with the market flooded with BHB salts, coffee, teas, and drinks of all sorts…

Well, As You Can Expect, Not A Lot Of Companies Wanted
To Give Me The Recipe To Their “Secret Sauce”…

I got a lot of people hanging up the phone on me…

Even after sharing my sob story about my tragically overweight sister…

These companies seemed to have more to hide than I realized…

And for a while, I wondered how I was going to find something good for Caroline.

But then, I got a lucky break one day when I walked into work and there was a blank envelop sitting on my desk…

Suspicious, I tore it open and started reading the contents inside…

It didn’t have a signature on it, but from the very first words…

I knew it was from Dale.

The letter said something along the lines of, “don’t get yourself caught up like me” and that he was forced into hiding…

And it was likely that if I tried to trace this back to him, he could be “dead”

He wouldn’t say anything about his investigation other than “it’s better to know less” and then he surprised me at the end with a short little message:

“I’ve been thinking about your sister, Caroline. I know a company that you can trust. Reach out to this number below and let them know “Dodgey” sent ya…”

And that’s all he wrote.

This Company Did Something Different
Than Other BHB Salt Makers…

Which was add 3 essential ingredients to boost the power of their BHB formula…

Something that made it more natural, healthy, and effective than anything else out on the market.

Well, after agreeing to some confidentiality agreements and working out a plan to test their supplement, I decided to have it shipped to me so I could share it with Caroline…

At this point, Caroline had been in the hospital for close to two months…

And the doctor was ready to discharge her…

By miracle alone, she had regained her nerve and muscle strength after her stroke…

But, she still hadn’t managed to lose much weight…

Even with the doctors giving her low carb hospital food every day.

My main concern was that now that Caroline was home, she would be surrounded by the tempting foods in her cupboards…

The snacks and goodies she kept stocked up for her kids and grandchildren.

Caroline was still about 50 pounds overweight when she got home…

The doctor recommended that she lose at least another 30 pounds of weight to ensure her stroke risks were decreased by half.

I Told Caroline That We Would Try Taking This New
BHB Supplement Daily Without Making
Any Changes To Her Diet…

And if we could get between 1 and 3 pounds of weight loss every week…

Then we would know it was working, and we would keep using it.

Caroline agreed that we should try, but she said she wasn’t going to get her hopes up…

And I couldn’t blame her for feeling that way after everything she had been through.

So Now Was The Moment Of Truth…

The first few days were a bit of an emotional roller coaster…

Because Caroline began taking the BHB supplement as instructed…

And while she felt an initial increase in energy…

She didn’t experience any major bowel movements or body sweats…

Which is normally a sign that weight loss is happening.

Instead, she just felt like she was more alert and focused…

Which was nice, but wasn’t a clear indicator that this BHB supplement was actually working.

Well, When We Got To The 7th Day,
We Were All Nearly Dumbstruck…

Because Caroline surprisingly had dropped 5 pounds…

Which was double anything I ever expected!

I thought for sure that Caroline had been cutting out meals to make her weight loss more dramatic….

But she promised she hadn’t done anything different besides take the supplement daily.

And it just got better and better from there…

After two weeks, Caroline was down a full 8 pounds, which was pretty exciting.

I thought she would struggle more to lose the weight, but it was like it was literally melting off…

From the very first use…

And as time passed and she kept taking the BHB formula, Caroline’s weight and health continued to improve…

Three weeks in, Caroline was down 11 pounds…

And at the 1 month mark, she had lost a total 15 pounds.

You Could See The Weight Disappearing From Her Cheeks, Arms, And Waistline...

And we knew it was only the start…

Over the next six months of following this daily regimen, Caroline dropped a jaw-dropping 40 pounds…

It was the most incredible transformation I’ve ever seen.

She was losing weight like the celebrities and fitness gurus, without ever stepping foot into a gym or changing her diet…

Caroline Was A New Woman, Turning A New Leaf,
And No One Could Stop Her Now.

Well, you can bet that everyone who knew her asked us about what we did to have such amazing success…

After it seemed that nothing could save Caroline’s life.

Caroline told everyone that her brother, the journalist, researched and found the best BHB supplement known to man…

And she had me to thank for saving her life.

It made me proud to know that I could help my sister when she needed me most…

And that’s when I knew I had to share my story with the makers of the product personally, and let them know just how ecstatic I was that they put together such an amazing BHB salt formula…

Something that took the diet out of “keto dieting”…

But left you with all the amazing results like a slimmer waist line, more energy, and burning tons of fat…

Something you could trust was pure, safe, clean and highly optimized to give you the best weight loss results of your life…

You Should Know That Megaplex Keto Blend Is
Manufactured Right Here In The U.S…

In a facility that follows all GMP Guidelines…

And we also have each batch tested by an independent third-party laboratory…

To ensure that what’s on the label is really inside each bottle.

So when you add the facts up…

It Should Be Pretty Clear Why We Believe Megaplex Keto
Blend Is The Most Advanced Natural BHB Ketone Salts
Supplement Available Today.

With our all-natural, bioavailable ingredients, Megaplex Keto Blend is unmatched in its ability to:

  • Melt Body Fat

  • Manage Weight

  • Lower Blood Sugar

  • Lower Bad Cholesterol

  • Improve Heart Health

And so much more!

And our highly advanced BHB salts formula is full of natural antioxidants…

Which can protect you from long term health risks and dangerous free radicals too.

In fact, within just a few short weeks of taking Megaplex Keto Blend…

You Need To Remember That There’s Really Nothing Else
Like Megaplex Keto Blend Available On The Market Today.

The vast majority of BHB or weight loss supplements you see for sale online…

And at health stores…

Are questionable quality at best.

Some of them are even manufactured across the border in Mexico where there’s the danger of lead and other poisons creeping in…

And as you’ve seen, many pharmaceuticals just make problems worse…

And put you on a medication-merry-go-round for the rest of your life…

Plus remember, our Megaplex Keto Blend is guaranteed to only use certified ingredients and have gone through multiple channels of testing…

So that you can be sure you have the real thing inside of each package…

And you won’t run the risk of taking one of these random supplements that can cost your health and wellbeing.

Plus, given that the ingredients inside of Megaplex Keto Blend have been scientifically proven to lower your body fat …

Reverse unwanted weight gain…

And improve your high blood pressure and cholesterol…

And even help with your energy and mental focus…

The chances are high that if you begin using Megaplex Keto Blend regularly…

You’ll end up cutting $300 a month or more from your healthcare costs.

Plus, Megaplex Keto Blend not only can help you lose weight…

It comes with a load of side benefits…

Like a more controlled appetite..

Better stamina…

Improved metabolism…

And better cardiovascular health…

This means a healthier you…

And less money spent on prescriptions, doctor visits, and health insurance.

So considering you’ll probably save at least $6360.00 in annual healthcare costs when you use Megaplex Keto Blend to conquer your obesity and protect your health…

I really do think that $149 is a fair price for Megaplex Keto Blend.

But while that may be the case…

I also know that many folks are on a fixed income or a tight budget…

And that $149 is a lot to ask.

And so after much back and forth…

I’ve decided to give you a special deal from right inside this presentation…

A discount that will let you try out Megaplex Keto Blend for not $149 or even $97…

But instead, just $69.

That’s a savings of $80….

But it’s still just the start.

You see…

Because so many of our customers end up ordering 6 bottles of Megaplex Keto Blend at a time…

So that they remain stocked up on this important fat-blasting breakthrough…

And so they can share it with their significant others, their family members, and their friends…

We’ve created a special multi-bottle discount…

Where you can get Megaplex Keto Blend for as low as $49 per bottle.

To get started right now with your own supply of Megaplex Keto Blend…

Simply click the button you see below this letter and place your order.

Get Megaplex Keto Blend TODAY

Sample Package

1 Month Supply



You Save: $80

free shipping

180 day money back guarantee

Best Value

6 month supply



You Save: $600

free shipping

180 day money back guarantee

Most Popular

3 month SUPPLY



You Save: $270

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180 day money back guarantee

Once you do that, you’ll go to our secure and encrypted checkout page…

Where you’ll enter your basic order details.

Total, this process takes less than 2 minutes…

And the moment you’re done…

Megaplex Keto Blend will be out the door and on the way to you.

We’ll also cover shipping and handling for you…

Which saves you alot.

But the free shipping is only available while there are supplies of Megaplex Keto Blend in stock.

You Should Also Know That Your Order Of
Megaplex Keto Blend Is Covered By Our

6 Month, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Here’s how it works…

Right now, you simply click the button below this video…

And secure your very own supply of Megaplex Keto Blend.

Your order will then arrive in the next 3-5 business days…

And the moment you get it…

I want you to rip open that packaging and start USING Megaplex Keto Blend!

I’m incredibly confident that you’ll notice a huge difference once you start taking this premium weight loss formula…

That you’ll enjoy watching the digits on your scale drop day after day, and that your weight will STAY down too.

And if you change your mind about Megaplex Keto Blend for any reason in the next 6 months…

Just call or email our award-winning, U.S based customer service team…

And we will immediately refund your full investment with zero questions asked.

Plus, on top of that you don’t even need to return your order…

Megaplex Keto Blend will be yours to keep as our way of saying thanks.

So in other words…

There is absolutely zero-risk or reason for hesitation here today.

You have a full 180 Days to see if Megaplex Keto Blend is for you…

And if you change your mind, you don’t pay a dime.

But if you’re ready to take advantage of this life-changing offer…

You do need to act fast.

Because when you choose to take control of your life and your health today…

And you finally end your diabetes, high cholesterol, and unhealthy weight gain for good…

You’re not only saving your life…

But you are saving the lives of your loved ones around you…

Who would be devastated if your weight issues cut your life short.

So go ahead and choose the offer below that works best for you…

And click the button you see below this letter right now…

And begin your journey to happier, healthier you as soon as today.

Get Megaplex Keto Blend TODAY

Sample Package

1 Month Supply



You Save: $80

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180 day money back guarantee

Best Value

6 month supply



You Save: $600

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180 day money back guarantee

Most Popular

3 month SUPPLY



You Save: $270

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180 day money back guarantee

There’s no time to waste…

In addition to only having a limited discounted supply available…

We’re also under constant fire from Big Pharma and Big Government…

Given that Megaplex Keto Blend helps people to restore their health and reverse their weight gain…

Without taking any pills, or using addictive substances or prescriptions…

And that you don’t need to pay for expensive doctor’s visits or exams…

The $66 Billion dollar weight loss Industry CAN’T STAND what we’re doing.

As a result, we’re under constant harassment from their lawyers…

And I simply cannot guarantee how long this offer will remain online.

So go ahead and order your very own supply of Megaplex Keto Blend today…

By clicking the button below right away.

You’ll be saving up to $100 per bottle when you make that decision…

Getting Shipping and Handling for free.

And you’ll be protected by that 180 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

It’s one heck of a deal, 100% risk-free…

Frequently Asked Questions:
Megaplex Keto Blend

Q Who is Megaplex Keto Blend for?

Megaplex Keto Blend is a highly optimized weight loss formula...

That uses the power of highly optimized BHB salts...

Along with 3 other natural ingredients...

To blast fat, decrease weight, lower blood sugar, decrease bad cholesterol, and fight against stroke and heart disease.

But it’s not just people who are suffering from obesity who can benefit from Megaplex Keto Blend...

This breakthrough is for anyone suffering from any type of weight related issue...

People who want to melt fat and strengthen their metabolism...

Or anyone who wants to live their most productive, happy life possible.

Q What makes Megaplex Keto Blend different from all those other weight loss supplements I see advertised?

Megaplex Keto Blend is not a weight loss supplement in the traditional sense...

Megaplex Keto Blend uses the power of exogenous ketones to instantly put your body into a state of ketosis...

So that it can rapidly melt fat, burn fat as fuel, and give you more energy and stamina.

The ingredients inside of Megaplex Keto Blend are all natural, organic, and have been quality tested for purity, potency and safety.

And I went through the extra trouble to make sure the ingredients came from reputable suppliers...

And the hydrolyzation process met all the highest scientific standards.

Plus,our ingredients are non-synthetic, which means they aren’t made with fillers and harmful chemicals that are found in prescription drugs.


Megaplex Keto Blend is manufactured in a GMP Certified Facility...

And each batch is independently tested by a third-party laboratory...

Which ensures that what you see on the label is what you get inside each bottle.

Q How long will this offer be available for?

That’s a good question, but the answer is complicated.

For one thing, because the costs to source our all-natural ingredients are quite high...

We only have limited amounts of discounted supply in stock.

Remember normally Megaplex Keto Blend is $149 bottle...

But through this web page you can get it for just $69 per bottle (while supplies last)...

And just $49 when you stock up today.

Besides supplies being limited however...

There’s also the threat that Big Pharma’s multi-million dollar lawyers shut us down.

We’ll certainly fight them as long as we can...

But given that Megaplex Keto Blend can help melt fat and manage weight-related illnesses...

Both the weight loss industry and big pharma...

Are DESPERATE to get this presentation removed from the internet FAST!

Q What can you tell me about the guarantee again?

As I mentioned, it’s a full 6 Month, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

This means if you change your mind about your investment for any reason in the next 180 days...

Just call or email our award-winning, U.S. Based customer service team...

And we’ll immediately refund your investment with zero questions asked.

In other words, there’s no risk whatsoever!

Q Okay I’m ready to order, what do I need to do?

Simply select the package of your choice above.

You’ll then go to our secure order page, where you’ll enter your shipping details.

Then in 3-5 business days Megaplex Keto Blend will be at your front door!

Shipping and handling are 100% free, which saves you alot...

But remember: there are only limited supplies of Megaplex Keto Blend available at any given time...

Which means that if you put this off...

It could be months until you have another chance to experience Megaplex Keto Blend for yourself.

So go ahead and order Megaplex Keto Blend now at this huge savings...

And we look forward to hearing about your experience with this premium weight loss supplement.